There are various circumstances that can lead to a dog bite accident. From letter carriers making their rounds to plumbing or electrical contractors in a dog owner’s home performing repairs, receiving a dog bite can lead to personal injury requiring legal action requiring compensation to the victim. Whatever the setting, a dog bite injury lawyer in Toronto will have questions that require answers. Here are some examples:
Perhaps the bite took place because a neighbor’s dog wandered onto the victim’s property and lunged when the victim stepped out the front door. In this setting, the dog is not on the premises with the victim’s permission and will certainly mean the dog owner is liable. Should it occur on the property, a few other questions will help determine the outcome of a dog bite injury claim.
When the event took place at the home where the dog resides, did the owner post any sign about having a dog on the premises? Something as simple as a “beware of dog” sign can absolve the owner of any responsibility.
If plumbers or electricians are invited into the home, the owner is responsible for restraining the pet. Should that not happen and the dog ends up biting the visiting professional, there is no doubt that a lawyer experienced in dog bite injuries will seek damages.
While there is still the possibility of some negligence on the part of the dog’s owner, situations in which the dog is provoked tend to indicate that the victim shares at least part of the responsibility. Before filing any type of claim or taking any action, the lawyer will want to confirm every action taken by the client prior to the actual bite.
Don’t attempt to initiate dog bite claims without legal representation. Contact David Di Lella today at 416 800 8839 and arrange your consultation. Bring along all relevant data, including any medical and other reports related to the event, and he’ll determine the best course of action to help you receive compensation.
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